Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Twisted Perception Chapter One

By LilyLovesGoths

Yusuke Urameshi, age 18, has been through a great amount of conflict in his life. He started out as a punk and turned into the spirit dectective. He befriended two demons, Kurama and Hiei and made his friend Kuwabara his right hand man. Yusuke has had some time off the job despite the fact that there seems to always be trouble lurking.

Now that he is 18 he's stuck working a real job to make real money, something Koenma couldn't offer him. Keiko is currently enrolled in college but since middle school she and Yusuke have came to terms with their feelings for one another and are now in an exclusive relationship despite the fact Yusuke can still be quite the jerk.

Hiei is typically busy causing chaos despite the fact he's softened up to his human friends Kuwabara and Urameshi. Hiei watches his sister Yukina from afar still and still doesn't approve of Kuwabara's love for her. Yukina seems to be less oblivious to it and may even return his feelings.

Yoko Kurama remained as Shuichi Minamino and continued to care for his human mother and advance his knowledge of plants and ability to control and manipulate them.  Everyone's lives changed for the better. They were all stronger, smarter, and calmer. Peace is truly apart of their lives but that is all about to change.

Yusuke sulked out of his place of employment the same as he did every single day. He was beat and just ready to go home.  On his way home he let out a soft yawn that made his ears pop. He groaned and then heard the sound he was not looking forward to, Kuwabara was shouting "Hey Urameshi where you going? We got plans remember?!"

Another groan escaped Yusuke as he looked back to see Kuwabara leaning against the wall of the sushi-bar, clearly waiting on him. "At least some things never change," was the thought that came to Yusuke and caused a slight smile as he placed his hands on his hips and shook his head. He took a deep breath before calling back to Kuwabara, "You were late, I'm going home!"

Kuwabara started to run after Yusuke even before he turned around to leave. Kuwabara pointed to Yusuke and told him, "Look here Urameshi, I'm not gonna make you go but Keiko is gonna be there and I refuse to be the one to tell your girlfriend you're too busy being lazy to keep your promises."

Yusuke was not a happy camper. He let out a growl before sulking towards Kuwabara knowing he had been beaten and that Keiko wouldn't be too happy with him if he bailed on her. He just hoped Botan, Shizuru, and Yukina were keeping her busy enough to not notice how late he is. He could use the fact he got off work late but that wouldn't excuse this much time. He really hated when Kuwabara was right.

Kuwabara got a cheeky little grin on his face as Yusuke passed by him. He had known Keiko was his weakness and would get him to keep his promises and he was quite pleased. The only unsure thought that went through Kuwabara's head was "I really hope Kurama was able to convience Hiei that he needs to be here too."
The walk to Latern Floating Festival was a silent one. Neither of them knew what to say really. It had only been a couple of months since Yusuke's mother died so they all thought this festival would have made him feel better. That didn't seem to be the case and Kuwabara was kind of worried about him. 

When the boys men arrived in front of their favorite sushi shop Kurama and Hiei were no where to be found. The girls were sitting/standing talking and watching passersby. A slight wave of terror passed through Yusuke, he hoped that Keiko wouldn't be mad. He opened his mouth to speak but was cut off before he could mutter the first one by Botan. She looked at Yusuke and told him, "Kurama didn't make it back here. Even Hiei doesn't know where he dissapeared to."

Yusuke didn't see what the big fuss was over, Kurama disappeared without warning often. What was the problem now? He opened his mouth once more, this time to make a smart-ass comment but was cut down once more, this time by Keiko. She looked at Yusuke with a fear she hadn't looked at him with since the last case he had taken on that she was apart of.  "Yusuke, he told us he would be right back but he's been gone a long time."

The look in Keiko's eyes was enough to send a shiver down his spine but then knowing that Kurama had said he would return but did not struck him as odd. Kurama kept his word always. He looked around the crowded street around them and then back to the girls. "Did he say what he was doing," was the only question Yusuke could come up with, trying to comprehend the situation and work it through his tired mind.


Kurama looked around, trying to figure out what had happened as he sat up and got off the bed he had been laying on. One moment he had been helping a girl he knew as Yumi, a girl a little older in age with pitch black hair and eyes of blue that made the sky look dull, with some thugs and then the next he had woke up here. "This makes no sense," Kurama thought, "I had those guys all down and she was safe. Who ambushed me?" 

Kurama's head pounded and his senses seemed out of whack. He glanced at the clock on the wall and then noticed he was in a cage-like barrier. His memory was void of the last hour and a half. Someone had truly thought of everything. Kurama's spirit energy was totally unreachable, he had no way to escape. 

Kurama heard the noise of a door behind him and so he turned around quickly. He was in complete shock when he saw Yumi and another girl come through the door.  The other girl's hair and eye color was identical to Yumi's and they looked strangely alike. It was very puzzling.  Kurama's face turned serious as he stared at them, trying to decide what action to take. "Perhaps they were captured to. But why are they able to walk free?"                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

Kurama didn't have time to speak before the unknown woman pushed Yumi in the direction of the barrier and Yumi let out a scream as she fell to the ground just inches from it. The other woman smirked a little before telling her in a rough voice, "Get up you hag. I'm growing bored of your clumsiness."

Yumi reached out as she started to push herself up onto her hands and knees as she cried softly and quietly,  "Please Shuichi help me!" Kurama tried to reach through the barrier despite his confusion as to why Yumi was being treated this way, but was given a painful electric shock, causing the other woman to laugh quite loudly. 

The other woman shook her head and continued to laugh before copying Yumi's desperate tone as she spoke, "Oh Shuichi! Help me," Her tone changed and went to her normal voice, "As if. He can't reach you. I'm making sure of that." Her laugh echoed and Yumi burst into a sob just in time for the woman to reach down and pull her to her feet before barking more orders at her, "Get to your cage, dog!"

Kurama watched in horror as the woman pushed Yumi once more, this time however Yumi did not fall and made her way into an iron-barred cage. It was the exact replica of Kurama's but without the barrier. Kurama knew that his captor must have known that Yumi posesed no spirit powers and was just your typical human. 

Kurama wasted no time after the cage was locked and the woman had left before he was as close to Yumi as he could get without getting an electric shock from his own cage. He looked at her and sternly asked, "Where are we, Yumi? What does that woman want from us?" Kurama was looking all around the place, searching for something to give him an escape plan or something.

Yumi looked up at him and moved to the little table that was directly in front of his before she sat down. She wiped her eyes with the other hand and tried to calm herself enough to answer him, giving him time to take a seat too. It took a minute but she was finally able to, though her voice was still whinny and scratchy. "I'm not sure but I think she wants you Shuichi. She knows everything there is to know about you and her lab is filled with pictures of you." Yumi broke down into tears once more.

Kurama said nothing, merely trying to sort his own thoughts. "Why would she want me? What kind of lab does Yumi mean? There must be some better way to get answers than this!" Kurama was so frustrated he turned away and began looking around every inch of his cage.

End of Chapter One.... hope you enjoyed! More coming soon!

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